Tag games are a great way to get kids active and moving in a Physical Education class. They are also a lot of fun for students! One of the great things about tag games is that they can be played indoors or outdoors. If you have a large class, you can split students into groups and have them play in different areas. This way, everyone gets a chance to play and no one feels left out.

In this blog article, I'll look at PE tag games, discuss why they're a great way to add variety to a Phys Ed class, examine some teaching methods for incorporating them in a lesson, and provide six ideas you may utilize in your gym or learning area. These games are easy to learn and can be played by students of all ages.
Why play tag games in PE?
Tag games are a great way to get kids moving and improve their physical fitness. Not only do they provide an opportunity to run and burn off energy, but they also help to develop coordination and agility. In addition, tag games can promote social interaction and teamwork. When played in a safe and controlled environment, such as a school gym or playground, tag games can be an enjoyable and beneficial part of physical education.
Utilizing tag game experiences in PE lessons can provide a fun and exciting way to meet SHAPE America's Standard 3 which states: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.*
How to include tag games in physical education
Tag games are a great way to get kids moving and exercising. They can be used as a warm-up activity or as the main activity. If you are using them as a warm-up, you can have students play for a few minutes before starting the main focus activity. This will help them get their heart rate up and prepare for the rest of the lesson. If you are using tag games as the focus activity, you can have students play for a longer period. You may also add different versions of the game to keep things interesting. Students might travel using different locomotor movements, or they can compete with partners or small group teams. Don't be afraid to attempt playing tag games inside or outside.
Tips for incorporating tag games into your Physical Education classes
Make sure everyone understands the rules and regulations before starting the game
Encourage students to be active, play fair and have fun
Make sure students have plenty of space to move around. If you have a large class, consider splitting students into groups and having them play in different areas
Pause the game occasionally to redirect behavior or provide rest periods
Try to vary the games each week so students don’t get bored
Be creative! There are many variations of tag games that can be played
Add in some PE equipment like a soccer ball to the activities for variety

Now that you know the importance of utilizing tag games in your physical education classes, let's look at six unique games you can play.
Tag Game #1: Everyone's It!
A variation of freeze tag in which everyone playing the game is it.
Game Instructions
The teacher directs students to find any spot in the room to begin but they cannot start against a wall
On cue (preferably music) students begin moving around the playing area performing a teacher-designated locomotor movement
Students attempt to tag others while avoiding being tagged themselves – EVERYONE’S IT”!!!
If students get tagged, they must sit in that spot (frozen player), but they are not out – They can tag others that move by from a sitting or kneeling position
If students tag each other at the same time – they must both go down
Games should be short – 1 to 2 minutes (fun game)
Use a variety of locomotor movements during the game
Tag Game #2: Fitness Collection Agency (FCA)
Students work in pairs to collect, save, protect, and capture cones to their hula hoop (collection area).
Game Instructions
Group your classes in partners
Each partner group begins with 6 dome cones or beanbags and 1 hula hoop
The dome cones or bean bags are placed inside the hula hoop
Students decide whether they will serve as a collector or a protector
On a cue (preferably music), collectors try to obtain as many cones as possible and return them to their collection hoop
One cone at a time can be captured by a collector and the protector’s job is to stand with both feet in the hoop and tag players trying to get their cones
If a student is tagged, he/she must return the cone, do 5 or 10 pushups or jumping jacks off to the side, and return to the game
Tag Game #3: Predator Tag
A variation on "animal tag" or "zombie tag" in which students tag their prey and avoid being tagged by their assigned predators. Flags can also be used to pull VS using hand tags.
Game Instructions
Students are given 1 of 3 color scrimmage vests or flags (can also use juggling scarves tucked in pants)
Students are scattered throughout the room
After students are put on 1 of 3 color teams (designated by scrimmage vests or flags), they scatter into open space and start moving using a teacher-directed locomotors movement
Each team tries to tag or steal flags from another team. Green tags blue, blue tags red and red tags yellow. Each is a predator or prey to the other
If tagged, students must sit in a designated set holding area until someone on their team goes over and gives them a high 5 to free them
After the high 5, they are free to tag and flee from others back in the game
Tag Game #4: Safe Zone Tag
Students tag and avoid being tagged with a yarn ball. Safe zones are added for limited protection.
Game Instructions
Place 4 – 8 hula hoops out in a playing area to be used as safe zones
Students begin scattered throughout the room
After the teacher chooses taggers, students begin on a cue (preferably a music cue to start/stop) and begin moving around the room using a locomotor movement designated by the teacher.
Non-taggers try to stay clear of taggers
Non-taggers can use the hula hoops as safe zones as they travel around the playing area
Only 1 player can be in a hoop at the same time. When a new player enters a hoop, the other must leave. First in – first out
If anyone gets tagged, they must go outside the lines and perform a lap run or do a specific exercise
Tag Game #5: Crazy Bridge Tag
Students avoid being tagged by the troll taggers while saving other players that have been tagged.
Game Instructions
After the teacher chooses troll taggers (about a third or a quarter should be taggers), students move through the general space with a designated locomotor movement
If students get tagged by a troll, they must freeze and form a bridge using their bodies
To become unfrozen, another student that is not a troll-tagger must crawl under the bridge
Once saved, players resume their locomotor movement
Change taggers every 2 or 3 minutes
Tag Game #6: Galaxy Quest
The object of the game is for one team of space travelers to get all of their team members across the other team’s galaxy to their milky way
Divide the gym into 2 galaxies with a line at the back (of each) designated as “Milky Ways”
Students can tag each other or use football belts to pull (2 colors used)
4 mats are set up as “black holes” outside the boundaries of the galaxies
4 cones are set up – 2 on each side of galaxies as “time warps” to renter galaxy
4 large cones placed on the outside of the back boundaries separate the galaxy and milky way
Game Instructions
The object of the game is for one team of space travelers to get all of their team across the other team’s galaxy to their milky way
Space Travelers are safe in their galaxy but can be summoned to the “black hole” if they enter the other team’s galaxy and get their flag pulled (or get tagged)
When entering the other team’s galaxy, offensive players must stay “in bounds” or they are told to go to the “black Hole” by a referee
If a defensive team "Space Traveler" pulls a flag, they throw it on the ground and the Traveler must pick it up, put it back on, and go to the enemy’s black hole
If a player can safely get to the other team’s Milky Way, without their flag being pulled, they are safe and can stay there or walk around the outside of the other team’s Galaxy and save 1 teammate at a time from the mat (black hole)
If a teammate is saved, both players must walk through the “Time Warp”, connected back into their Galaxy. They can do this by holding hands, grabbing arms, etc.
If a time Traveler saves a teammate, both players must start again to try to get through the defensive players' galaxy to their Milky Way (past the back line)
It is a good idea for some players to play only defense until the very end
When all of 1 team makes it past the back line to the other team Milky Way, the game is over, and a winner is declared
Galaxy Quest Video
In summary
Tag games are a great way to get students active and moving. They can truly add excitement and variety to Physical Education classes. Tag games are also a great way for kids to learn about collaboration, strategy, and cooperation. In the article above, I shared 5 different tag games that can be used with large groups in a Physical Education class. Each game is unique and provides its own set of challenges and opportunities for learning. I hope that you will try out some of these games with your students and enjoy watching them move, learn, and have fun while getting quality physical activity.
Which tag game do you think your students would like best? Let me know in the comments below!
Need Some FREE Fitness Activities?
Do you need some FUN fitness activities and games for your physical education program that include detailed instructions and play diagrams? Download this FREE Quick Mover Fitness Set with 12 activities to use in your PE program!
They originate from the following Cap'n Pete resources: 1. Fitness Fun, 2. Instant Activities, 3. Radical Relays, and 4. Tag Games.

This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!
If you're looking for some GREAT fitness "Quick Movers" as a way to incorporate some fun PE games and physical activity at the beginning, middle, or end of your class, check out Cap'n Pete's PE Quick Mover Super Bundle- Fitness, Instant Activities, Relays, & Tag Games.
You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store
This super bundle includes 100 "Quick Movers" that are energizing physical education lessons. They are great for any grade level and include 25 different fitness activities in each set, all from my following products: 1. PE Fitness Fun, 2. PE Instant Activities, 3. PE Radical Relays and 4. PE Tag Games. Students will get their heart rates up and not even know they are getting a great workout because they will be having so much fun!