Physical education classes need to be fun and engaging for students, and fitness station circuits are a great way to achieve that. Circuits can be tailored to any type of fitness level, and they are a great way for students to get moving in a gym or classroom. Modified physical education circuits can be used by kindergarten students and enhanced to a high level for a high school student. They can also be adapted for elementary school students to ensure age-appropriate activities. In this blog article, we'll look at the benefits of integrating circuits into your lessons and how to make the most of them.

1. What are fitness station circuits and what do they entail?
Circuit training involves sequences of physical activity that you perform one after the other, with only a brief rest in between. A gym timer can be used (for example 30 seconds to 1 minute) to time the movement. A 10 to 20-second rest can be incorporated in between exercises before moving to the next station. Circuits are a great way to get a full-body workout in a short amount of time, and they can be tailored to meet specific fitness goals for a wide range of ages.
Fitness circuits are often small physical education stations that students visit, with each station featuring a distinct movement activity. For example, one station might have them jumping over hurdles and running through an agility ladder, while another might have them performing bodyweight strength exercises. Fitness stations or circuits can be easily tailored to any fitness level, so everyone can participate and see results. They can be used as a warm-up, cool-down, or instant activity when you have a few minutes to spare. Students can work on their own, with partners, or in small groups while circuit training.
2. The benefits of using fitness circuits in physical education classes
Physical education is an important part of the school curriculum, and students need to participate in vigorous activities to improve their physical well-being. Fitness circuits and circuit task cards may be used by a physical education teacher as a fun and exciting way to help meet SHAPE America's Standard 3 which states: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness*.
A circuit can serve as a practical tool to increase students’ fitness levels in each of the health and skill-related components of fitness. These benefits include enhanced cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and endurance, flexibility, as well as improved coordination, balance, speed, reaction time, and agility. They can easily be utilized with large groups and require minimal equipment. The circuits may focus on one category of fitness or combine various components for a full cross-fit experience.
Circuit tasks can be adjusted to a variety of fitness levels, allowing everyone to participate and benefit from the exercise. Fitness circuits are also advantageous because they provide an opportunity for students to work on their form and technique. Good form is essential for avoiding injuries, and by incorporating proper form into the circuit, students will be more likely to carry over these good habits into other activities outside of class.
3. How to incorporate fitness circuits into your physical education classes
If you're a physical education teacher, you can easily incorporate fitness circuits into your lesson plans. You may either develop a unique circuit using your own instructional cues or use resources from a reputable source. An important part of creating a circuit is to have a variety of movements that target different muscle groups and address different components of fitness. This will help students get a whole body workout and see results in all areas.
When creating a plan for circuit training, you'll also want to consider the fitness level of your students. You can create a circuit with easy, moderate, or hard movements. It's important to offer a variety of options so that all students feel successful and challenged. You can also use equipment such as cones, poly spots, playground balls, hula hoops, and jump ropes to add an extra challenge to the circuit. In addition, planning strength-based, circuit training with exercise activity stations may help to improve strength in all age groups and keep our students healthy by enhancing lower and upper body strength.
Once you have your circuit planned, you can set up the stations and get started. Start by demonstrating the movements for each station and then have students complete the circuit. If you're using a timer or timing app, reset it after each circuit movement segment. The students (in small groups) can use shared stopwatches as well, adding some self-pacing to the activity. Be sure to offer instruction, encouragement, and praise to students as they move through the circuit.
Check out the video below to watch a group of 3rd grade students perform a muscular endurance fitness circuit.
4. Circuit training for all ages
It's important to think about the age and/or fitness level of those participating when using task cards and signs. Choose movements that are appropriate for their skill level and offer a variety of options so that everyone can find success. For example, if you're working with younger students, you may want to include movements like jumping jacks, jogging in place, squatting, lunging, and sit-ups. With older students and for the more physically fit, you can add in more challenging movements like push-ups, pull-ups, planks, and burpees. The idea is to incorporate cardio with upper and lower body movements that can be easily modified.
The time set for each station should also be based on the age and fitness level of the participants. For example, if you're working with a group of elementary-age students, consider making your circuit training plan using eight to ten stations that they go through in 30-second intervals with 15 to 20-second breaks to reach their next activity. Increase the amount of time your high school students spend exercising. 30-second to 1-minute periods with a 10 to 15-second rest period in between is a great starting point.

5. Incorporating visuals and videos into your fitness circuits
A great way to help a group understand the movements and know when to switch stations is to use visuals (exercise cards) and/or video. This is especially true if you are working with children who have special needs or are English language learners. You may use your own graphics and directions for your students' circuit training program, or you can utilize free or commercial graphics available online to build your circuit station activities. The exercise cards cover basic cues and provide images to help guide the circuit training.
Simply print out the visuals, laminate them and tape them to the wall or place them on cones so that students can see them as they move through the circuit. The visuals help to reinforce the correct technique and provide a designated area in which students can perform the movement. It is important that the visuals you utilize be age-appropriate, student-friendly, and relatable.
You can also use a video to demonstrate the movements and create a fun, engaging environment. Teachers may use this to their advantage by having students watch and then mimic what they've observed. This is especially useful if you have a large class or if you'll be using the circuit frequently. Students can watch a video and then complete the circuit at their own pace or with a partner. Having a visual cue will make teaching the movements easy and efficient.
Check out the video below to watch a group of 4th grade students perform a strength and power fitness circuit.
6. The importance of having fun while getting fit
Physical education is an essential part of a well-rounded education, but it can be tough to keep kids engaged. Getting a group of students moving and sweating is only half the battle; if they're not enjoying themselves, they're not going to want to challenge themselves.
Students can have a lot of fun performing circuit movements. Make sure that the activities and exercises are changed regularly in your lesson, and allow the kids to make choices as they rotate. You can ensure that everyone is challenged and having fun by altering the movements. And because students work at their own unique level, they're more likely to be motivated to push themselves.

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In Summary
If you are tired of using the same activity over and over again to teach fitness concepts and ideas in your lessons, try using circuit training as a method to engage your students and improve their physical fitness. Use them at the start of the session as a warm-up during school sport lessons, utilize them as a stand-alone lesson for shorter class times or even use them during a specialized fitness unit. They are easy to implement and the variety of movement experiences is endless.
A fitness circuit can serve as a fun, engaging way to keep students active and motivated in your physical education class lessons. With a little imagination and creativity, you may create and include fitness circuits and fitness circuit task cards that your students will love. This will assist them in acquiring the skills they need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
What other types of fitness circuits have you used in your physical education high school, middle school or elementary? What were the students' favorite activities? Let us know in the comments below!
*SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author
Need Resources
Do you need fitness activities and games for your physical education program that include detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

Fill in the form below to download 15 FREE Fitness Circuit Task Cards (Cross-Fit Version). The set is a PDF fitness circuit, a digital download that includes visuals from the following components of fitness sets for your PE class:
1. Cardiovascular Endurance, 2. Flexibility, 3. Muscular Strength and Power, 4. Muscular Endurance, 5. Balance, 6. Coordination & Reaction Time and 7. Speed & Agility.
This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!
If you're looking for a way to incorporate more health and skill-based components of fitness into your physical education curriculum, Cap'n Pete's Fitness Circuit Task Cards - Health and Skill-Related Components of Fitness - 7 Set Mega-Bundle (with over 140 exercise visuals is the way to go.
You can download the bundle (or individual resources) from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store