Pool noodles are a versatile and inexpensive resource that can be used in a variety of physical education activities and games. They serve as a great staple for elementary or middle school physical education teachers around the nation. These foam noodles can add some fun and variety to your physical education class. Additionally, pool noodles can be easily found at the local dollar store, making them an affordable option for various activities.

Address PE standards
There are so many different ways to use pool noodles, and they can help to improve your students’ skill-related components of fitness including agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, speed, and fine motor skills. These types of physical activities are also great to share with parents as they can easily be practiced at home. This will assist you in gaining support for your PE program.
Not only are pool noodles fun for students to play with, but they also engage them in activities and games that address are directly linked to Shape America's Standard 1: Develops a variety of motor skills. The scooter activities and games you choose to use during your PE lessons can easily meet any national, state, or district standards.
Pool noodles are multifaceted
In a school, pool noodles may be used to teach a wide range of skills and physical education ideas simply and readily. They are a perfect way to keep a child focused on any physical activity instruction. Ideally, each student should have their own pool noodle so they can perform a wide range of interesting and challenging activities with it. Pool noodle pieces can be used for activities such as lacing projects, color matching, and building sculptures while incorporating locomotor movement.
If your equipment closet is limited, you may use pool noodles as station ideas. The stations may be used in conjunction with other PE equipment or a unit's lesson focus. You may also have the children collaborate with others or in trios to share the noodles if you have a lot of kids in your classes.
Fun ideas to Incorporate Pool Noodle Games for PE
The following 30 ideas for using pool noodles can improve student fitness and engagement levels in your class and give them entertaining tasks to do at home. PE teachers should add pool noodles to their PE equipment shopping lists for engaging games and activities:
Instruct your students to perform the following tasks using practice, peer teaching, or in a station format.
1- Balance activities
Stationary Balance- In a stationary position, balance a pool noodle on different body parts; head shoulder, thigh, palm, and foot
Balance and Move- Balance the pool noodle as you move around the room. Use a variety of locomotor movements
Balance Beam- Place the noodle on the ground and walk across it. Try using multiple pool noodles in a row or design a complete obstacle course using the noodles.
A simple pool noodle can be used to create an obstacle course for balance activities.
2- Toss and catch
Stationary Catch- Toss and catch a pool noodle in front and beside you. Try letting it flip over before catching
Drop and Catch- Drop and catch the noodle. Holding the bottom of the pool noodle in front of you, let it go and try to catch it near the top using the same hand
Partner Toss- Toss and catch the noodle with a partner or in a trio.
A beach ball can also be used for tossing and catching activities with pool noodles.
3- Pool noodle PE handling tasks
Propellor turn- Pretend your pool noodle is a helicopter or airplane propeller and turn it round and round above your head or in front of your body
Step Over- Hold your pool noodle using 2 hands. Step over the noodle 1 leg at a time. Bring it around your body and do it again. This activity can be part of a pool noodle game where students try to keep the balloon in the air for as long as possible
Figure 8- Pass your pool noodle around your legs using the shape of an “8” pattern. Go from one side to the other.
These handling tasks can also be turned into a fun game for students.
4- Balloon volleying
Tap it up- Volley a balloon up in the air using your pool noodle. Try using both hands to keep it up in the air
2 Hand Tap- Either hold the outside or inside section of a pool noodle with both hands. Keep the balloon up in the air using the middle or outside part of the noodle
Ground Tap- Lay on your back on the ground or get in a seated position. Tap a balloon up in the air using your pool noodle
This activity can be part of a pool noodle game where students try to keep the balloon in the air for as long as possible
5- Fitness movements
Noodle Plank- In a plank position with the noodle slightly in front of your hands, alternate placing your right and left hand on top of the noodle
Noodle Curl-ups- Lay on your back and do some crunches with your pool noodle between your bottom and your feet. Roll the pool noodle front and back as you move
Noodle Squats- Pretend the noodle is a barbell and place it on your shoulders. Squat down to 90 degrees and back up again for several reps.
These fitness movements can also be turned into a fun activity for students.
6- Limbo, jumps, and hurdles
Partner Limbo- Have a partner hold the pool noodle at different levels, while you do the “limbo” underneath it
Circle Jump- Have your partner turn the pool noodle in a slow circle and jump over it when it comes around
Partner Hurdle- Have a partner hold the pool noodle at different levels, while you run and hurdle over it
These activities can be part of a noodle obstacle course for students.
7- Relays
Locomotor Movement- Take turns running or using some other type of locomotor movement to a cone and back. Pass the noodle like a relay baton after each lap
Javelin Throw and Retrieve- Take turns throwing the noodle like a javelin and running to pick it back up. Throw it again until it passes a set line across the gym. Run it back to the next person who will do the same
Move and Exercise- Take turns running or using some other type of locomotor movement to a set area and back. Perform an exercise using the noodle i.e. squats, curls, presses, etc.). Pass the noodle like a relay baton after each lap
Check the video below to watch a quick warm-up relay (3 in a line) using pool noodles.
8- Striking activities
Batter Up- Using a beachball or balloon, toss it up in front of you and strike it using your pool noodle. Pick it up and do it again. Try it with a pitch from a partner
Noodle Dribble- Using a fleece ball or Gator skin ball, dribble it using your pool noodle, from a gym line around a cone and back
Golf Swing- Using a yarn ball or other soft ball, swing your noodle like a golf club and see how far you can make the ball go. Challenge a partner to see which ball goes furthest
Pool noodles can also be used in swimming pools for striking and hitting activities.
9- Target throws
Javelin Throw for Distance- Starting from a gym line, pretend your pool noodle is a javelin, take a few steps, and throw it for distance
Hit the Target- Mark a distance from a wall target using a cone. Throw the noodle like a javelin to see if you can hit the target
Throw to a Hoop- From different distances, throw the noodle like a javelin and try to make it land inside or through a hula hoop
10- Partner and trio challenges
Balance Challenge- Invent new ways to balance the pool noodle. Challenge each other to see who can perform these new tasks.
Jump or Duck- Have your partner hold a noodle beside them (low or high) as they walk towards you. Jump over or duck as it passes by.
Noodle Handling Challenge- Invent new ways to move the noodle around your body. Challenge each other to see who can perform these new tasks
I hope you enjoyed reading about these ideas and are inspired to try them out in your class!
What other pool noodle activities you have used in your physical education classes? What were the students' favorites? Let us know in the comments below!
*SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author.
Need resources?
Do you need some PE Equipment-Based Challenge Cards that can easily help you teach activities like the ones discussed in the pool noodle article above? Would it help to have easy-to-implement visuals that include detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered! Pool noodles are widely available during the spring and summer months for various outdoor activities.

Fill in the form below to download 28 FREE fun and active PE Equipment Challenge Cards with a variety of manipulative and movement-based skills to use in your physical education classes.
The set is a PDF digital download that includes four visuals (cards) from each the following equipment-based, skill, and movement challenge card sets: 1. Balloon Challenges, 2. Beanbag Challenges, 3. Pool Noodle Challenges, 4. Hula Hoop Challenges, 5. Playground Ball Challenges, 6. Jump Rope Challenges, and 7. Cup Stacking Challenges.
This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!
If you want even more pool noodle ideas...a 24 Pool Noodle, Challenge Card Set can be downloaded here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
If you REALLY want to expand your physical education program's arsenal, check out Cap'n Pete's, 20 Set PE Equipment Challenge Card Super Bundle. Over 480, PE equipment-based teaching visuals from 20 unique sets!!
You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store
This comprehensive visual collection will help you teach your students a plethora of movement and manipulative skills using 20 traditional pieces of physical education equipment that include: 1. balloons, beanbags, stacking cups, pool noodles, juggling scarves, hula hoops, tumbling mats, long jump ropes, short jump ropes, scooter boards, cones & poly spots, dice, Lummi sticks. long-handled implements, short-handled implements, basketballs, beachballs, footballs, playground balls, and soccer balls.