Volleyball is a fun and active sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and it is perfect for teaching several skills in physical education classes. Introducing volleyball into your PE curriculum is an outstanding way to get students active in a lesson and engaged in their learning. The best part is that it can be customized to meet any age or skill level. By incorporating balloons, beach balls and volleyball trainers, you can create several engaging activities and stations for your next PE class regardless of whether you are teaching volleyball skills with elementary, middle or high school students.

There are several skills involved in volleyball that can easily be utilized and taught in a PE unit. Overhand passing (setting), underhand passing (bumping), overhand and underhand serving, tossing, tipping, spiking, and blocking, are all important aspects of the game. Volleyball stations for elementary PE and middle school small group activities are an great way to keep students engaged while they learn and practice their volleyball skills. This method of teaching can be an essential tool to help students, regardless of their volleyball abilities, learn and thrive in class.
This article will offer you some practical approaches to incorporate volleyball PE stations and small group activities into your lesson plans for optimal involvement. Moreover, I will provide you with ten engaging activity ideas to make your volleyball unit exciting and interactive that involve fun stations and small group activities! It's time to excite your students with a dynamic and exhilarating sport - let’s ignite their enthusiasm for volleyball!
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Pics by BES Block Teachers @block_bes
Can volleyball activities help students meet PE standards?
Incorporating volleyball drills, skill stations and small group activities into physical education is an excellent way to make it more enjoyable for students, while simultaneously fulfilling district, state and national standards. Volleyball offers unique opportunities for children to master fundamental motor skills and build their manipulative abilities-- vital components of any successful PE program.
The highlighted PE activities in this blog article are directly correlated to Shape America's Standard 1: Develops a variety of motor skills. The volleyball activities you choose to implement during your PE lessons can easily meet any national, state, or district standards.

How do I set up and manage volleyball stations in my PE class?
Are you looking for ways to ensure your PE volleyball classes are engaging and effective? Here are some helpful tips on how to get started with setting up effective volleyball stations!
Ensure the station area is well-defined and clearly marked – This will help students understand where they should begin the station and make sure that everyone has enough space to participate safely.
Establish clear rules and expectations – This includes having safety protocols in place such as ensuring students concentrate on ball control and that all equipment is put away properly when they are finished. Additionally, explain the rules of each station rotation activity or game, such as how many reps or rounds are to be completed for each volleyball task.

Pics by Dan @MrBailey2229
Keep each station simple and developmentally appropriate – While it can be tempting to include a lot of equipment in each station, it’s best to keep the setup as simple as possible. It’s also important to make sure that each station is compatible with the skill level of your students, so they don’t become overwhelmed or discouraged.
Create a timer system – To make sure students are completing the stations on time, set up a timer system. For example, you can use a timer to keep track of how long each station should last and sound a bell or buzzer when it’s time for students to move on to the next one.
Differentiate each station to create an engaging learning environment.– It’s important to provide options for different ability levels, so everyone can participate and succeed. This could include providing a variety of equipment (size and heaviness of the ball, etc.) to adjust the difficulty level or having different tasks with varied activities within the volleyball station.

Volleyball Station Skills
Provide feedback and support throughout the lesson – Feedback and support are important for students to stay motivated and engaged throughout the session. Make sure to provide positive reinforcement when they complete a task correctly and offer guidance if they’re struggling with a particular skill or task.
Be open to change – As you continue to run the volleyball station rotations, be open to making changes where necessary. There may be certain activities or tasks that don’t work as well with your students, so try to find something new or adjust the activity in some way.

Pics by Dan @MrBailey2229
Have fun –Above all else, make sure your students are having fun! If they’re not enjoying themselves, then it’s unlikely that they’ll want to keep learning the skills of volleyball.
10 Volleyball Stations and Small Group Games for PE
Stimulate your students' passion for volleyball with these nine interactive lesson activities! With fun station and small-sided game ideas, you'll have them energized and ready to learn.
A- Stations
Stations typically involve activities and movements that focus on one or more specific movement skills such as serving, bumping, setting, and court footwork. During the station-based activities, students are given the opportunity to practice skills and build confidence in a confined, safe environment.
1: Partner Sit Volley- Students volley a beach ball, balloon or volleyball back and forth with a partner, from a sitting position. they must remain seated and maintain control of the ball using one or both hands. For added fun and fitness, students can attempt to do a sit-up in between each volley. distances can be adjusted if necessary.
Video by Christina Fuller @TheCoachFuller
2: Toss and Set/Toss and Bump- To practice the set and bump, students break into groups of 3 or 4: with one individual initiating a toss and the other members then volleying it back. One tosser tosses the ball to one of the volleyers and then catches the ball after each bump or set. The tosser switches after each person in the group bumps or sets at least 3 times.
Toss-Bump-Catch or Toss-Set-Catch!
3: Basketball Goal Volley- Students challenge themselves by self-tossing a volleyball up in the air and attempting to volley it into a basketball goal for points. first players toss the volleyball up in the air and try to set it into the basketball goal. The next step is for a player to have a partner toss it first before they set to the basket. Have them try it with a bump or serve for an extra challenge!
4: Accuracy Partner Serve- Working in pairs, students practice the accuracy of their underhand or overhand serve by aiming to land the ball inside a hula hoop placed between them. They take turns serving it back and forth working on their proper technique. Students can adjust their distance if they need to to be successful.
5: Keep it Up- Students must collaborate within small teams of 3 or 4, in order to keep a volleyball or beach ball up in the air. They should use bumps and sets as they play. They may have to use one-handed saves and tips as well to keep the ball in play!
6: Court Footwork and Jumps- Students take turns moving across a court utilizing locomotor movement skills, such as running and slide stepping, while jumping up at each corner of the net. After executing their movement around the court, students make their way back to the line-up area and repeat the process.

B- Small Group Games
Participating in small group games is a fun way to not only further cultivate your students' volleyball skills, but also provide a healthy environment for friendly competition and fun. Using these types of games help student get more "action" than incorporating a traditional game of volleyball.
7: Volleyball Wall Horse- Students, in groups of three or 4, take turns volleying a ball off the wall playing a game of "HORSE" - an exhilarating game where each individual accumulates letters for incomplete shots. In a small group line, each student takes a turn to volley a ball off the wall. they should use serves, bumps, and sets. If someone misses the shot, they receive a letter in the word H-O-R-S-E!
8: 2 vs 2; Line Volleyball- Students can enjoy the excitement of 2 vs. 2 play as they hit volleys across a gym line in an upwards direction, creating dynamic and thrilling game-play! Players volley a volleyball or beachball across the players line. A point is scored if it crosses the line and hits on the other teams floor. The ball must be hit up and not be spiked down. Spiking it down results in a point for the other team. Bumps and sets are encouraged. Games can be played to 5 points.
9: 2 vs 2; One Bounce Volleyball- In groups of six, students take turns holding up a jump rope or string (representing a net) and playing 2 v 2, one bounce mini volleyball games. Two students hold a rope and four play the game, with two players on each side. The ball may bounce at least 1 time between volleys but it does not have to bounce if they want to volley it before it touches the ground. The rope holders switch after every 5 serves.
10: Four Square Volley- Students can enjoy a friendly game of "volley 4 square" with an inflatable beach ball in a specifically designed 4 square court or by simply taping lines onto a gym floor. Players use 4 square rules but try to volley a beach ball or volleyball into another player's square. The ball may bounce one time between hits. Students rotate from square number 4 to square number 1 if someone in a square in front of them misses a shot. Other players in a short line can rotate into square number 4. Serves, bumps and sets are encouraged.
Final Thoughts
An excellent way to keep your students captivated and engaged while increasing their physical activity is to include volleyball activities and small group games in PE classes. These activities and games can help to cultivate their skills while making physical education classes entertaining and fun. And the best part? You don't even need a full-sized court or net to get started - just some basic equipment!
In this blog post, I have outlined 9 engaging volleyball stations and low organization-type games that you can easily integrate into your physical education lessons. I trust that you'll find these activities to be valuable as you watch your students having a blast while learning the basic skills used in volleyball! Let your creative juices flow and make volleyball even more enjoyable by experimenting or inventing different activities and games; the possibilities are endless! No matter the age or skill level of those playing, you can tailor an activity to best suit your personal classes. So get out there, have fun with it — literally — and enjoy the wonderful sport of volleyball with your students!
Need resources?
Do you need some sport-related skill stations for your physical education program that includes detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics and visuals? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

Fill in the form below to download 20 FREE Sport-Specific PE Station Signs. The set is a PDF digital download that includes two visuals (cards/signs) from the following sport stations sets: 1. Base Games, 2. Basketball, 3. Floor Hockey, 4. Football, 5. Lacrosse, 6. Paddle & Racket Sports, 7. Soccer, 8. Team Handball Stations, 9. Track & Field and 10. Volleyball Stations.
This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!
If you want even more volleyball station ideas...my PE Volleyball Stations- 20 Air it Up Zones resource can be downloaded here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
If you're searching for a way to really spice up your PE program, Cap'n Pete's PE Sports Stations- 10 Product Mega Bundle is the perfect supplement. You'll find over 200 fun-filled, sports-themed station signs/cards (20 stations per sport) in this set. You may utilize them in your gym or specialized learning area.
This comprehensive collection will help you teach your students important physical education concepts and skills from 10 different traditional sports including basketball, base games, football, floor hockey, lacrosse, paddle/racket sports, soccer, track & field, team handball, and volleyball.
You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store