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This “Group Signs and Cards” Animal Set is an 8 creature (BADGERS, BEARS, BULLS, LIONS, EAGLES, SHARKS, STINGRAY, and TIGERS) package of full page signs and 16 to a sheet mini cards that can be used to help in organizing groups in a PE or classroom setting.

PE teachers will find the ANIMAL SIGNS handy for organizing students in squads for warm up activities or as a reference point to send students to, when separating them into teams during any kind of team or cooperative play. The signs would also be helpful in organizing intramural activities, field day or Olympic events. The color mini Cards could be used as a method of “grouping” students through teacher “pre-assignment” or through a “random draw” of the cards. 

This sign and card set could also be used in a variety of classroom educational settings for a variety of purposes. The SIGNS and CARDS could also be used as physical markers in the classroom, in educational games or as an organizational tool for grouping students in reading, science,math, spelling or other focus groups. 

Just copy, cut, laminate and you are ready to GO!!!

Grouping Signs and Cards: Creatures

  •  Please note: All purchases from Cap'n Pete's store are digital downloads only. No physical items will be printed or shipped. Upon completing your purchase, you'll receive an email with a link to download your files directly to your device.

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